jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

What's going on here ?

Well let me tell you first .. I've had the 2 most hectic days of my life so I've been a bit away from all the internet world .. but gladly i'm back to tell you what's going on here in Chile.

As some of you may know, soccer is by far the most popular sport here in Chile, having almost 9 million (we are 17) of viewers every week. And today to be more precise, the elections to choose the new president of the ANFP (National Association of Professional Football), and they we're the most covered event in the week.
Besides, life has been quite quiet here in the country.

Moving on to the Valparaiso city, it continues with its hectic way of life since the forum has began. People from all over the country and from other nations as well have been traveling to the port and the city to watch the different activities that the government has prepared for the people. If the aim of this forum was to make Valparaiso more known worldwide, the objective has been completed with honours.

That's all from my side right now. Tomorrow .. a different day, a different article, as usual.


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