martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

We are closer than what we think

18124 Kms. 23 hrs in a flight. More than 9000 nautical miles.

That's what separates Busan and Valparaíso. However, these are just numbers. Pure mathematics. But do they really establish how closer we are between each other ?

As some of you may know, both cities have a lot in common. They have sisterhood and cooperation agreements, the government authorities tend to visit each other, and both of them are touristic spots. But that's not all.

Busan and Valparaíso are known in their respective continents for being the biggest port in the area. In the case of Busan, it's the 5th biggest post in the world (in terms of size, load and infrastructure) while on the Chilean side, it used to be (somewhere around 19th century) the most important port in the world.

Both cities are also very passionate in terms on sports (mainly soccer) and, call it coincidence, but the local teams aren't exactly "the best team on the country" ; either Busan Ipark or Santiago Wanderers have the support of the city, but that's not enough to produce a good display on the field.

Yes, we are a lot of kilometers away. But who said that distance isn't there only to be shortened by people ?

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